Everyone you need to know about the folk art of
Pithora Painting.
What is Pithora Painting?
Pithora is a ritual painting done on the wall.
This is done by the Rathwa and Bhilala tribes residing in central Madhya Pradesh.
The paintings are done on three internal walls of their homes.
These canvases have importance in their lives and doing the Pithora paintings in their homes generates harmony, success and joy.
There will never be an intention to copy nature like a horse or a bull which may be an idea of a God, touches him with just a single main quality
Is Pithora Painting more than a Custom?
Pithora works of art are more custom than an art form.
These customs are performed either to express gratitude towards God or for a need or help to be fulfilled.
The Bhadwa meaning the head monk of the tribe is called up and the concerns are stated.
These concerns can differ from cattle dying, to ill kids in a household.
These concerns are solved and are questioned.
The Bhadwa is requested to execute the custom as well as the art.
The existence of Pithora Baba is considered as an answer for all the concerns.
A Pithora is constantly situated at the doorstep, or the Osari, outside the primary front wall or inside the walls of the initial room as one visits the house.
The art generally floods the whole wall with figures.
Three walls are ready for the art, the front wall as well as the two on any side of it.
The front or main wall is huge, double the area of every one of the sidewalls.
Does it belong to any State?
Pithora paintings embellish the workmanship culture of Gujarat.
It is practised by a few tribes.
For example, the Rathwas and Bhilalas who reside in Gujarat, 90 km away from Tejgadh.
It is a town in Vadodara.
How was it used Anciently?
Previously when Rathva homes were of bamboo and grass.
The Pithora used to be painted with the help of natural colours blended in with Mahuda liquor and the milk of cow.
The wall to be painted would be tempered with white clay.
The Pithora is conventionally painted on three walls as a rule in the Osari.
It is the balcony of the principal house.
The size of Pithora painting is 11 x 8 feet.
The colour of the background is mostly white, with artistic dynamic colours utilized for the themes.
What are the themes in Pithora Painting?
The themes in the Pithora painting speak to the folklore of the network alongside the selective portrayal of the most fundamental parts of everyday life.
The heroes of the whole composition are ponies of the divine beings and goddesses and progenitors in dynamic hues.
The artwork is enhanced with themes from nature, daily human exercises, animals, cultivating, exchange, significant individuals from the network with a few new features.
This emblematically speaks to advancement.
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